In Game Name: Djkazic518Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name: N/A Which of ECC's services are you banned on: Main serverReason of Ban: Vulgar Language/Failing to follow a moderators instructions Rule Violated: Inappropriate and vulgar language is not allowed(Section 4 Clause 2) Disobeying a moderators instructions can be considered trolling because I was causing problems in the server.(Section 2 Clause 2) Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: The vulgarity rule means that players are not allowed to use offensive language in any form of communication while on the server or in the teamspeak. The rule regarding trolling explains that players that are actively causing problems throughout the server will face consequences. Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned: I haven't played Minecraft in a very long time and as you can see from my profile and posts it's been 3 years since today that I have been a member of the forum. I saw an email from the website and it reminded me of playing on this server. Then I also remembered how immature I was back then and all the stupid things I would say and do. I thought after 3 years I would be unbanned but I guess not. I was wondering if I could get unbanned because I want to see how Minecraft had changed and I thought this server would be the most enjoyable. Any reply would be appreciated, thanks!
Hello @Djkazic518 it seems you were banned back in June 2013 for Vulgar Language/Failing to follow a moderators instructions. Please could you edit your ban appeal to your correct ban reason and then we can continue. I will be giving you 24 hours to amend these changes. User given 24 hours to modify their appeal to the correct reason
@Djkazic518 , Vulgarity isn't something that's tolerated here - we are a family-friendly server after all. I am glad that you wish to rejoin the community after a long time and we're willing to let you back on. Lots have changed (rules and in-game wise) and it's worth to check out the wiki for all changes and keep up with news posts. Just a reminder that if these actions are repeated then it won't be lenient next time. Other than that, welcome back, hope to see you in-game soon. Locked, unbanned