[ban appeal] bybee2011

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by bybee2011, Jun 4, 2014.

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  1. bybee2011

    bybee2011 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    May 30, 2014
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    my last ban appeal is here
    this will also help you understand why i was banned

    minecraft username: bybee2011
    reson: harassment

    conter-reson: first off the admin who locked and denied that says it is "excuses" but let me ask you this.
    this is what socializing is like to me i have a book full of spanish words and i know a little spanish so i know about 15 words and what they mean and i have to have a conversation with knowing little what these words mean. if you don't get it i get many words are bad but to me a word used in many contexts is like a foreign word i don't know if i should use it or not like the word cracker (not the mod) it could be insulting white people or it could be a food or it could be using cracker in a funny way or cracker in a nice way or cracker as in saltine or other flavors. thats what its like to me. its like in writing class were your teacher gives you a long sentence with a 8 letter long word and you have 10 seconds to know what it means and you know the prefixes roots suffixes but it could mean different things in the sentence. thats what a single sentence is like i will give you a example this is a example of every word describing a person is and before you look at this you only have 10 SECONDS. the man is a successful business man and a winebibber. you most likely failed it isn't for everyone with my LD's but this is for me and 5 other people in the world. and to call that a excuse just pisses me off i understand if someone has mild ADHD and does something bad and says my ADHD made me do this that is a excuse. but i don't know whats appropriate and whats not so basically i get banned for something i can't understand makes me mad and then when i say that i cannot help myself because i don't understand it and i get a post saying you are just making excuses and show no remorse for your actions and do not accept them except make excuses makes me mad ok heres a math problem this is what social stuff is like to the normal high school brain fyi it will redirect you to a page with some problems it is not a download virus or anything that will hurt your computer

    after you saw that that is how a simple conversation is for me and how should i show remorse when he fried my modem. how am i supposed to show remorse i put down how he kicked me off my wifi and then roster my modem how am i supposed to show remorse. thats like you you say something to someone you don't understand and then you come home and your mom is dead on the floor and the evidence leads to the person you said something to thats exactly how it felt to me so how am i supposed to feel any remorse and how am i the bad guy. i get banned for something i didn't even know was bad and don't understand and me fries my modem. i don't understand humans that is why my household hasn't had any humans in it for the last year i sit as far away as humans as i can and take the overgrown way aka the little forest to avoid any human interaction some people understand me think you to these people they are one of the 5% that understand me and how i feel any of you who have a LD think about the worst it can get the worst in the world that is me with maybe a different LD that is how bad it is. at this point i am at my parents house after seeing the doctor in japan he helped me with this problem he told me what i did wrong and then he started ranting and yelling about how bad of LD's i have and they banned me for that. he gave a good example but i don't what to tell you because i don't what another admin to say you are making excuses even though you can't help yourself and you didn't know it was wrong and he retaliated with something highly illegal you are the bad guy and this form is locked and denied. this is what my LD is kinda like what is the hardest thing ever for you think about it for 5 minutes and then think about it being the worst or hardest it could be to the point its almost impossible that is my learning disabilities i feel it is unfair for these resins
    1. i didn't know what is right and wrong to do in this conversation.
    2. i did something that i didn't know is considered under harassment and he retaliates with something highly illegal and I'm the bad guy that gets in trouble.
    3. considering something that is impossible that i cannot do is considered a excuse.
    4. how should i show remorse after he killed one of my best friends (the modem)
    5. i know what was wrong but do i have to say this is harassment because of these reasons i don't even know what is harassment without talking to someone about it for 15 minutes and how what i did is allowed through multiple passed bills.

    [Mod Edit]
    #1 bybee2011, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2014
  2. Revanrose6

    Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Real life problems should never effect the server. Just because you have an issue with someone irl does not mean it should be brought on the server. The same can be said for if you have issues in real life and it effects the server. The server is not a place for these types of issues and we will not allow this type of behavior for any reason regardless of social skills or mental health problems. The fact is the staff are unable to know for certain what a person's problems actually are and as such we treat everyone the same.

    I will not be accepting this appeal at this time as it does not assure me that it will happen again. Further, in the appeal itself a touchy subject was broached, which I will be Mod Editing out. If you wish to return to the server you can do so with a well thought out appeal which actually makes me believe you will not continue harassing other users. This new appeal should also include the server rule broken. Further, I would like you to reassure me in the next appeal that you did reread the server rules and will not break any of those further either.

    Locked and Denied
    #2 Revanrose6, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
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