[Ban Appeal] Bennzar1

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by Bennzar1, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Bennzar1

    Bennzar1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 30, 2013
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    In Game Name:
    Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name:
    Which of ECC's services are you banned on:
    Reason of Ban:
    Trolling and Vulgarity
    Rule Violated:
    Clause 2 - Trolling
    Trolling is not allowed on the server, especially any trolling that is directed towards another user. This includes, but is not limited to:
    Flame baiting
    Harassment (See Section 2 Clause 3.)
    Attempts to start any form of chaos and discord within the server.

    Clause 2 - Vulgarity
    Inappropriate and vulgar language is not allowed. This includes anything put on signs, said in chat, written in books, renamed to on items (see Section 3 Clause 2.1), spelt out in blocks (see Section 2, Clause 2.1), or any other way of communicating.
    Occasional mild to moderate vulgarities that are not directed at anyone (such as "slip-ups" or saying them in the incorrect chat by accident), self-censorship of a swear word or abbreviations that may imply a swear word (eg. WTF?) are allowed unless it is directed at another user.
    Repeated or excessive swearing, and especially vulgar language directed at anyone, is not tolerated under any circumstance.
    Racist language or prejudicial language of any sort falls under the vulgarity rule, and is considered a very serious offence which may result in a ban with no warnings given.
    Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means:
    To treat people on the server who ever they are and what ever they have done to you that might have made you want to troll or use vulgar language towards them. Some of the player could get upset if you were swearing in chat so its not only affecting you and the person you are referring to but you are also making innocent people on ECC upset over your not needed argument with another user. Trolling could also make people very angry and could cause them to break a rule such as vulgar language which could get them into a lot of trouble that you caused to happen.
    Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned:
    I feel that I have learnt my lesson, I was in a bad mood because of lotto and I have thought about what I have done. The reason I was banned was a fair reason and I had lots of warnings to stop but I have thought about these actions over a day and I think that I deserve a second chance on ECC. I enjoy this server and I am foolish that I was banned in the first place over such a silly thing. Once again I am extremely sorry for my actions and I have thought about them I want a second chance on ECC as I enjoy the server. I am sorry for my actions.
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  2. maroiogog

    maroiogog ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Hello @Bennzar1 thank you for filing this ban appeal. Due to the reason of your ban i will be tagging the @Game Admin team to handle it. Please be patient as they look into it and take this time to refresh yourself of the rules, especially the ones you've broken.
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  3. 7amoodw

    7amoodw Electrical and Electronics Engineer
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 16, 2012
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    @Bennzar1 ,

    You're familiar with appealing bans , a quick research of your ban history and you'd see a variety of appeals, some for the same reasons. I really wonder why you won't learn from your mistakes and improve. Your last ban is a very similar ban reason to your current one now.
    You say you want a second chance, but you were given a second, a third and a fourth and so on.

    I really question if you'd follow the rules once you return on the server or not because evidently you weren't able to the last time.
    So, here's what's going to happen. You'll be given a 5 day temp-ban. In these 5 days, read the rules. Read the rules once, then again, then again, until you fully digest them and understand them. I don't want to see you filing a ban appeal in the future, heck I don't want to see you getting warned in chat. You need to improve yourself in order to stay a member of this community. Next time will be harsher.

    Locked, temp banned 5 days
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