In Game Name: Bennzar1Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name: noWhich of ECC's services are you banned on: mainReason of Ban: Trolling and HarassmentRule Violated: Trolling and HarassmentPlease explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: To treat players with respect and not to be rude to anyoneReason you feel you think you should be un-banned: Because I was getting abuse from another player but I took things too far
@Bennzar1, I will not be handling your appeal, however we will still need you to quote the rules from the wiki, found here, and put it under the "Rule Violated" question as well as editing the "Reason of Ban" answer to include both "Trolling" and "Harassment". Once you've completed these changes, a SuperMod+ can then get to handling your appeal.
No, you will still need to quote the rules broken on the wiki, found here, and put it under the "Rule Violated" question, like I asked in my initial post.
Clause 2 - Trolling Trolling is not allowed on the server, especially any trolling that is directed towards another user. This includes, but is not limited to: Flame baiting Harassment (See Section 2 Clause 3.) Cyber-bullying Attempts to start any form of chaos and discord within the server. Clause 3 - Harassment Harassment constitutes as any form of action (chat or game play wise) that makes another player feel threatened or otherwise ruins their game play. Griefing in the wild does not constitute harassment. Harassment in the wild is strictly chat/command based. This includes, but is not limited to; blackmail, bullying or any other form of harassment that occurs through our chat system. Attempting to kill other players in any non-PvP zone also constitutes as harassment, and succeeding in killing other players in non-PvP areas is a very severe offence that will result in a ban. Harassment is absolutely inexcusable on EcoCityCraft. If you are engaging in this behavior expect to be removed from the server with little to no warning. Disrespecting staff falls under this rule - They are players too.
Hello @Bennzar1, although I can happy to see you're wanting to re-join us, I will be denying this appeal as there is no where near enough effort put into it. If you wish to appeal in the future please ensure that you include the rules that you have broken in your original post and also make sure to put a lot more effort into it, if you would like a chance to be unbanned. Locked/Denied - Lack of effort