Minecraft Username: Julcon13 Reason of ban: Griefing of heaven1 spawn Rule violated: Clause 1 - Griefing Grief is defined as breaking or destroying things that do not belong to you, including breaking and replacing things to get to places that otherwise you shouldn't be going (for example, breaking into someone's house.) This can also extend to building things in areas that do not belong to you. Grief is not allowed in protected towns, unless the town owner has decided otherwise. In the event a grief occurs in a non-grief town then a grief report can be filed. Explanation: I did not grief, I broke 20 diamond blocks because I was fixing it. Some other individual had broken at least 15 other blocks and the inside of the hotel. I thought "well ill be nice and fix it" But apparently nobody cares. Reason I should be unbanned: I did not grief, I was in fact fixing it and I've been telling the truth.
Stop posting. If you make any other irrelevant posts after this one, you shall receive a forum warning.
From what I've gathered, you broke around 20 diamond blocks and replaced them with a different block. It is possible that could have been trying to help, however, on ECC that is considered grief, especially if you do not inform anyone of said action. If you see grief in the future, it is best to leave it alone and report it to the mayor of town, you can find who the mayor is with /rg i. Seeing as though this is your first offence, I will be issuing you a temp ban of 8 hours. Use this time to review or rules and make sure you know what you can and cannot do on ECC. Once 8 hours has expired, you will be free to join the server at any time you like. I hope this situation doesn't happen again and if you have any questions, feel free to forum PM me your questions or concerns. User julcon13 Given 8 hour Temp Ban Locked