EnderArcher6400 Yesterday, my balance was over 100k. Today, I had about 10k. This might have something to do with the fact that I contacted a mod because someone paid me for a donor feature ingame when I was not sure I was going to do it, or it could not be... I'm also not sure if it is a bug, but I need to know what happened. I have no idea what caused it or how it was caused if it was at all, as a bug. Only this time. I lost all of my money basically. I didn't notice it till today, so I have no screenshots or evidence.
According to my logs you've not had more than 50k in the past week, and you wasted that all on the lottery.
Huh, I have to check with my buyer for the perk to see if he paid me already. I must be going blind... If I am wrong, I am sorry, but I will check.