With the loss of mcmmo I think we should get a new plug-in that is fun to use. I suggest that we add a spleefing plug-in. This is because more spleef tournaments and games have been happening lately and honestly, its a good idea in my opinion. Spleefing will add another thing to our server. I have looked into some plug-ins that will help make this automatic although it will take some time to set up. Without building time I think it shouldn't take more than an hour or two to set up and its set forever (until you would like to change it that is). I am not sure if these plug-ins are updated but here they are. The first one and I think this one may be better for our server: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/simple-spleef/ The second one just to give us some more options if we the community does like this idea: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/spleefultimate/
That plugin looks like it would be a lot of fun. =o I really like the block disintegration/repair over time and the fact that you cant stand on a block for too long, means the game won't be able to end in a stalemate.