They appear to have disappeared... I've been in-game for most of the night, and in the beginning the messages like server advertisements and death messages appeared. Now, however, they seem to have disappeared, I haven't seen any for about 2-3 hours now... Possibly did the plugin break? Or were the secretly turned off?
This has happened before, with me in fact. Not all users that get it at the same time, which is really odd... When I got it, I saw no death messages, I asked if others saw it, they said "Yes, it appeared on screen twice, actually..." I got it yesterday, and thought "Oh, he must have turned off the death messages for when you die with /kills, good idea." But I must have got this. It comes on and off, for different users at different times...doesn't make any sense. Every user will get it, but it will take a week before it hits everyone. But like last time, after it goes away, it stays away. Only hits every user once... Don't know what's causing it, but like every month or so, it happens. So yeah, right now, it's only you and a couple other users that don't see the messages. Will go away eventually.
the announcement of the lotto winner hasnt shown up the last 3 or 4 times ive been online when the draw occurs.
I thoat Im only one... I don't see even things like "Antonio1997m became obsidian", and I haven't see who won lottery from yesterdaym I had to /lottery.
With what D0rc was talking about it has happened to me several times it really only started happening alot for me was after the update to 1.8
Right now, it's everyone pretty much. There are some people who aren't getting it (I saw people saying congrats to someone for winning a lottery) And then there is everyone else who is getting kinda tired of it xD