In ECC their is allot of auction scamming. So their's an auction plug in that you put something in auction and people do /auction (number of auction) (bid/price). If you win that auction the items will pop in you're Hotbar. Now you must (auctioneer) must have that item in their inventory to work. HOPE THE PLUG IN IS KNOWN AND USED TO HELP ECC AUCTION SCAMS.
I think this plugin was suggested before and turned down because andrew didn't want to add more plugins.
This would be a decent idea. Over 50% of the problems I have to deal with during chat is related to auctions. People are false bidding, false auctioning, chatting in auction chat, and more. This would solve all those problems. The only consequence I see in this plugin is that it removes the "fun" aspect of auctions.
I think this could help a lot. But as DFat said, there are still some problems within it like he said, taking the fun out of it. But another possible consequence I found is people abusing the auction system with ridiculous items like 1 block of dirt, which would take auction time, and annoy most users. Of course there must be a way to prevent this but it would take time to be set up to fit with the server's requirements.
+1 great idea, but it may not support enchanted items and since a lot of what is actioned of is enchanted items this could be a problem.
It does support the enchanted items. But as DFat said the fun is taken out true. But It was a suggestion I thought to help the mods, wewin and andrew to stop the scamming. myminecrafter said This is a great help and all-though it stops the "fun" of auctions, it still does Help the ECC Staff. As well their's no more false bidding and no fake auctions in this plug-in.
I was about to suggest the idea myself when I found this thread whilst browsing now. I completely support this idea, and I've seen the plug-in in other servers before. +1.
ilir, I understand that. I have my thought on that it will help the auction scamming that happens allot on ECC. This leads to players getting frustrated because of Scams like that. I want that to stop and help Mods get less Complaints. This is a big-help to the Moderators on ECC. All- though it takes away the "fun" it helps dearly enough for andrew, and the Staff. I advise andrewkm and the Staff to put this in suggestion for at-least right now, but don't take it like I want to take away the "fun", because trust me I don't.
Now like 1 block of dirt that's ridiculous for a person. It takes the fun out but helps DFat and others.
It will happen unless the plugin is modified to not allow that kind of items. Just consider completely new users who think everything can actually get you lots of money, but especially from people who either do it as a way to 'protest' to get the old auction channel back or those who simply do it for the lulz. It's called Trolling, which would be technically allowed in this situation as you can sell almost anything to get profits.
It doesn't matter if said auctions don't get any bids. The point is that just the 'Starting Message' of the auction itself appears, taking up space, and possibly annoying users, especially those who are aiming for the truly remarkable items. Like I said before, If the plugin can be modified to perfectly fit in the server's requirements it would be a good idea, but if it can't it can potentially just lead to more cons than pros.
They could probably make the settings only allow 1 auction from a person at a time. So even if they were auctioning dirt, they couldn't make a million auctions.
how about something like you send some /pay player stuff/money given stuff/money gotten and then they could do /tradeaccept or /tradedeny. Ex:/pay phiphiphi 10 5 mseeds. Then the other person would either accept or deny and then the items and money would instantly be traded.
Although this would be a great idea, what if you want to auction plots, houses, farms, and all sorts of items that you can't hold in your hand?