What if the server had an auction house? Instead of players (without TP) meeting at the spawn tower to exchange items, they could meet in an auction house at spawn. You could even make a /auction warp, right? Players, or even the server itself, could even hold events to say, auction off 10 stacks of diamonds. You could build a bunch of "auction exchange rooms" that players could go in for safer item exchanges. The white building at spawn that looks like a government could possibly work very well. What do you guys think? Good idea? Any way to refine it?
I love the idea of people could go into an area and bidding on items instead of over cat that would clean up chat alot. It would be cool if there were multiple areas and there would be like a sign or something up saying what was being auction and it would announce it over the server so if people wanted to bid they could go there and chose which one they wanted to go to.
There could be a different channel for each room! Tht would reduce any confusion among people. Only downside is work for the mods and developers.
I also see another plus side. Less stealing!! This would be epic because I was trading with someone for ten diamonds when suddenly no kidding, EVERY person at spawn was following me and her. We actually made a makeshift deal where she threw the diamonds in a corner and I got them and payed for them. Trading diamonds would be much less of hassle along with other expensive items.