-x- Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the Asterion Nation! -x- What is the Asterion Nation? The Asterion Nation(a.k.a. Asterion) is a Medieval City comprised of 1 mother town (Colhen), 2 micro cities (Freywyn and [coming soon], and a peaceful village outside of the city walls (Preston). In the future, Asterion will hold all kinds of events, whether it be jousting, gladiator fights, horse races, etc, Asterion is the place to be! If you want to see Asterion's mother town Colhen. feel free to do /warp Colhen, or go to Towns 4 - Coal - Redstone - 41 - colhen on this thread: http://tinyurl.com/lngopof Colhen- Colhen is the mother town of Asterion, located in the center of it. Upon arriving at Colhen through its portal, you will see a beautiful portal room, or 'hold' in which residents can gather for feasts, parties, and other festivities. After following the corridor upwards to the surface, you will see 3 pedestals. On these pedestals are the heads of the most generous Asterion donators. (NOTE: These heads are LWC'ed, and therefore need no case for protection). If you go up the ladder in the first room, you will see the names of other Asterion donators listed. When you exit this room, you emerge in the town center. The market is to the left, and the lord's mansion is down the way. Straight ahead from the hold's exit leads you to the residential area of Colhen, and on your way you pass mrmrhihi1's library on the left, and @ 's blacksmith on the right. To the northeast of the hold's exit, the harbor lays peacefully, holding its donors' boats, and maintaining the docks to offload merchandise. Colhen is the main residential part of Asterion. Though there are/will be houses thrown all over, the largest concentration of them is here in Colhen. Freywyn- Freywyn is the newest town of Asterion. This will be more of the 'event' section of Asterion. This town will hold anything and everything from a massive PvP Arena, to Horse Tracks, to Jousting Rings, and much more! The largest of Asterion's markets can be found here, to the East of the PvP Arena. (Keep in mind nothing is built here yet!). Freywyn Gladiator Arena can be found in the center of Freywyn. There is room for plenty of spectators, and a "Host House" that the host and/or hosts may stay to watch the fight, AND trigger the gates. This massive build took approximately 1 week to build! Thank you Falconaire, youiyoui1, and cracker228989 for your donations to help make this possible. As the 2 highest donators, Falconaire and youiyoui1 received 2 lion statues in their name to the front of the arena (North side). Preston- Preston is more of the 'tiny village' of Asterion. Due to Town Zoning laws and such on the ECC World Map, Preston lays a little off from the central city. About 50 meters to the east, with a Northern Offset of approximately 25 meters, it isn't far if anything does in fact 'go down.' Preston won't hold much, but will have some small farms, a very small market, some small craftsmen shops, and a few homes. Nothing major, just the things needed to survive. Ostwyn- Ostwyn is Asterion's harbor city (not yet purchased). This will contain a large port harbor, lighthouse, trade ships and war ships, and the rich of the rich in Asterion can even own their own private vessels. The Wild- One must be cautious when coming into/out of Asterion, b/c there are spans of unclaimed land between the outerlying villages! This area is unprotected, and thus, can not be governed by Asterion's leaders, or controlled by its Law Enforcement! The only outerlying village as of now is Preston, but further villages may be purchased in the future! (Looking into Hofsted now) Asterion Workers- mrmrhihi1 - Librarian SnDxCH4RG3R - Material Collector Chundi_Jr Head of Real Estate/Builder Notice: There are many buildings in Asterion that were built off from tutorials on YouTube. By no means am I taking credit for designing these!