I don't know about you guys, but I'm way too excited for this game, it's going to be a HUGE open world game, where it is based on pirates and islands and ruins and temples. Also you have a ship and a crew, and you can take over ships and add them to your fleet or add to your crew and really do whatever with the ships you encounter and take over. This game is based in the early 18th century and it is in the Caribbean and some parts of Florida. I'm going to pre-order the game from Wal-Mart since that's the closest store to me and also since their expansion pack is good. (A new place/mission and 2 one-handed pistols and 2 one-handed swords for duel wielding) Place your thoughts below, this game looks utterly spectacular.
I looked at the trailer, and it is quite intresting. But I first need to save up more money as I just purchased PayDay 2 today.
So many good games this year though... GTA 5, Battlefield 4, Payday 2, Assassins creed 4, CoD ghosts, and the xbox one and ps4... I've decided to pre-order ac4, and ask for gta 5 for christmas. Also I am an avid CoD player having played since WaW... but CoD ghosts looks too different. It looks way too much like battlefield and I hate battlefield. i liked cod for it's not swaying sights, simplistic combat, and pretty much everything but now it just looks and looks like it will feel like... S**t.
the new CoD actually looks promising, it's still very simple, only you can use the environment to kill, trap or re-route people. It's so much better. Also, AC4 is on my wish list :b
It doesn't... It doesn't come even close to battlefield. It's still very much like the other CoD, only now you can affect the environment (and I'm very very certain they will have static maps, too, for legacy reasons)
A bunch of my friends play AC2 and 3 and say they don't want AC4 and I'm always like, "Y U NO WANT AC4?!?!" and they've never given me a valid reason. I personally think it's an amazing looking game. I love the pirate theme and gameplay and the map is so much bigger than that of previous Assassins Creed games. I've also been fascinated by the new game, Ryse, Son of Rome. Similar gameplay and controls to Assassins Creed, plus incredible graphics and great Kinect use. I love historical games like that. My only issue with it is that it's a little too graphic for my tastes.
Bump, got the EB Games/Gamestop edition of AC4 Black Flag, got the Black Ship, Black Island, Captain Morgan's outfit and pistols, and I'm on sequence 3 after like 5 hours. This game has too many fun things to do. Post your game experiences (Yes, I got the Captain Morgan special edition because of this (JK the walmart wasn't working for some reason >.<))