Minecraft Name: TheBuckeye11 Reason Banned: griefing Counter Reason: If you unban me i will give back all the things i took leave the town forever and pay the people i griefed 500$ each (ill have to earn the money) So please unban me
Thank you for appealing. Griefing in a protected town is highly against our rules and is not tolerated. As a resident you were required to read all of our rules prior to applying so this rules should be known. People work very hard to obtain towns and the residents trust that their homes/items will be safe there. Griefing causes that trust to be lost which should not happen here. I will be issuing you a 2 hour temp ban. During this time I would like you to go over all of our rules fully to avoid any further issues with them in the future. Any more offenses against them can result in a longer ban. Server Rules: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Server_Rules Temp banned for 2 hours