Minecraft Username: NAVYSEALS200 Reason of Ban: "Abuse of sponge glitch to grief spawn." Rule violated: 6.3 Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: Not to abuse a glitch. Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: I didn't know it was visible to other players, so maybe it should be fixed because how is anyone supposed to know that?
Since this was abuse of a glitch I will tag ga + to handle @nicit6 , @oreo1227 , @jakeyray18 , @Dewsy92 @clou44
It is understandable that you could have thought this to be a client side issue, however this has been a problem for quite some time now, The main reason we do not want everyone to know about this is because we do that those users who would purposely abuse such a bug and if they do not know about it they cannot abuse it. As I see how this could have been a mistake and how everyone in their right mind on ECC understands that griefing portals is a MAJOR offense, this time I will only be giving you a 6 hour temp ban as there were users in global chat yelling that someone was ruining the portals so it would have been quite easy to tell that other users were able to see it. 6 hour temp ban issued.