IGN: StanleyMines Reason: Banned by **Revanrose Reason: Attempting Murder in Mining World Counter-Reason: I now realize after what revanrose has said, that the water could have killed him. I am sorry about this. I do realize that this probably means that my donation feature of "Water" could, and most likely will, be removed. I now see why. I was very upset at the time, and wasn't thinking what the consequences would be. If my "Water" donation feature is not removed, then I will not ever place water somewhere, where it puts someones head in the water, unless it is me, and I am trying to get out of a hole(or helping a friend who has asked me to do so directly). I am very sorry. Evidence: None.
As I have spoken with Emudude13 and he has asked me to unban you as he feels that this is both of your faults. Due to this I will be unbanning you. You have been off the server for the past 24 hours and I will consider that sufficient. Please note that if something like this ever happens again Andrewkm will be informed immediately and your feature may be removed. Locked - StanleyMines unbanned