IGN: StanleyMines Reason: Banned by **Revanrose Reason: Attempting Murder in Mining World Counter-Reason: I was trying to annoy @Emudude13 by digging hole under him/her, and filling with water, because he just made me and two other people upset by selling tps to the same spawner, which was broken by someone. I was upset with this user because of his/her foul language, and the fact that he would go out and sell it to another three users. Evidence: None other than the following which is @Emudude13 's foul language. I am sorry about this. I should have just tped away, and started anew.: https://www.dropbox.com/s/po41w21nc4i5lxm/Screenshot 2014-05-21 23.19.27.png
You abused the water feature and could have killed him in the process. This is not a simple 'annoyance' this is an abuse of a donation feature. Reappeal when you realize the severity of what you have done. As for the screenshot I will speak with Emudude13 regarding his language. Locked and Denied