Minecraft Username: @StanleyMines Reason of Ban: Abuse of macro/afking at a spawner. @nicit6 @7amoodw Rule violated: Section 6, Clause 4 Any form of auto money generation, including, but not limited to, auto-farming and auto-fishing, is completely prohibited by any means. Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: This rule means that players should not use or have any sort of auto money generator. Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: I am really sorry that this happened. As many people know, my friend @awesomemen64 got a large loan from SlvrPlme. Using the money from the loan, and some donated money from other users, he got a star rod. We sold the star rod to another user for a bunch of nstars. Buying a few more to get to 1500 nstars, we got an eff7. After a while, the loan was coming closer and we wernt at the required amount, we decided to sell it. We sold it, and used the money that we earned to pay off the debt. We really wanted to hurry up and earn money back so we could buy a new star tool. I was trying to get to the amount of how much id have to make a day, to get the sword in a couple of weeks. After I lottoed, even though i shouldent have, by bal was around 5K. I, being tired, made a bad dissision. To do what i had been banned for befor. Going to sleep, while haveing a weight on the right click at a spawner witha fishing rod. When I woke up at 8:30 or so, I was banned(and very upset to be the least) Looking at the logs, @nicit6 pmed me 2 times. I was tped to or someone tped to me three times. At one point in between, I was tped to @7amoodw . At around 4:30 AM i was banned from ecc. I wont ever leave the computer if i am farming mobs or anything else. Ever. I already miss ecc. I know, for what i've done, and the fact that it happened befor, if this is accepted, it will probably be a wek long temp ban. I urge you, to please, only make it 3 day. I want it to be only three days because; 1) I miss the community, 2) i just got a whole bunch of free time this week end, due to a project being cansiled, 3) I'd like to get the melon sword asap. Thank you for reading this, and I hope I get unbanned. I already miss ECC.
Please do not Tag Staff Members, you know better. Please wait while we deal with your Ban Appeal. @nicit6 @oreo1227 @Smorezs
Thank you for appealing, however, honestly, this appeal appears to be rushed to me because of numerous spelling mistakes. Please file a new appeal with more effort and that explains how you will make sure this will not be a problem moving forward. I would also suggest not requesting a shortened tempban - you should have thought about that before breaking the rules. Denied