Minecraft Username: deegan987654321 Reason: for saying a minecraft server Counter-Reason: i said try this server to a builder that asked do u guys know any servers i replied saying try this : [mod edit] Evidence: got no evidence but you can check the chat log at pvp arena 1 north
Hello deegan987654321, I am glad that you want to appeal your ban, but before you do there are a few things that I want to say. First off, I am denying this appeal, and for these reasons. First off, this seems to be a hastily written appeal with no remorse for actions taken, and no effort put in. Secondly, you posted the server ip in the appeal, which I have edited out of your post. If you do decided to make a new appeal, please remember to put effort into in, and apologize for the actions you took that led to your ban, and also, please do not post the server ip in your appeal. Appeal deny.