Minecraft Username: BlockTeemo Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name?: No Which of ECC's services are you banned on? [Main Server/Team-Speak/Shoutbox/Lobby Server]: Main Server Reason of Ban: Inappropriate Links Rule violated: Section 10 - General Forum Rules Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: Posting links to bad websites Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned: It was a misleading link from YOUR server. I made sure to copy/paste the same link that was posted from /vote (4th link). It linked to the wrong site and it was NOT MY FAULT. The only mistake I realize is that I posted it in /g instead of pming an admin, which I didn't realize until I sat down for 5 minutes after I saw my ban screen. I was banned by BashDash100. I posted in good faith to get something fixed, not to cause any problems. To prove it, I did not spam the link, neither did I encourage ANYONE to click on it. It was misleading from the server itself, and even I fell for it. After I reported it, the links were updated and changed. I really appreciate your understanding, and will try to be more careful. Feel free to ask any of the admins or players if I'm a troublemaker. I'd gladly be banned for something banworthy, but not for some mistake that was from the server itself. Thanks! Aaron "BlockTeemo" EDIT: Missed one question
Well, if you did get it from our forums, you definitely didn't get it from the right source. Make sure you be careful when posting links and stuff. I know that it looks legit and like the other ones, which is why I legitimately believe that this is a mistake. But just watch it next time. Since it's been three hours since since you've appealed, and probably more time before you actually realize you've been unbanned, I'm just going to unban you.