User name: UnicornBanana49 Rule that my brother broke: Clause 1.1 - CAPS and Spam Bypassing our CAPS filter and/or typing in all caps is not allowed. Spam is not allowed. Repetitive words, letters, symbols that aren’t used in their correct context, or many messages sent quickly are considered spam. I am sorry that this happened. I was letting my brother play on my minecraft account and he went to ECC to try to get me banned for anything. He finally chose spamming, and it worked.
Hello Unicornbanana49, no matter the reason you are responsible for the activity that occurs on your account. You were banned for excessive spamming/trolling. I will leave this open for a supermod+ Physicistsmom
Thank you for appealing, but I would like to see more effort put into this as you have a history of being banned a few times over just a few months. Please re-appeal with more effort so that we may consider unbanning you. Locked Denied