As a player who regularly has the company of my sons when playing the game, this cartoon is basically how my wife/their mother may often see us.
Hey @Sharkykzn - it is great that you and your son play minecraft together. My 2 sons and daughter all play though they are quite inactive on ECC due to various IRL issues at this time. @freezing34 is my daughter @Laseric and @brokenlife are my sons.
I could not agree with you more, the kids float between other games, making the occasional return to MC, but I am hooked - My name is Sharkykzn, and I am an (Minecraft) addict! Need less to say on the occasional weekend when my sons decide to spend some quality server time with Dad on MC, the wife tends to loose her humour somewhat.
@Sharkykzn Lol I know all about the wifey glare of death when my son and I spend too much time gaming. It is so OP it can one shot you every time. I think this is a fun way to spend some time with my son. He can be creative and do a little critical thinking. Nice to hear other families are on here too. Have a great night.
;-; my dad says "stop wasting your time with that stupid thing" then goes back to coding something for his phone lol