To Clarify, He is being kicked by anticheat when attempting to use the shake skill from an Mo fishing. Typically in a mob farm where you use shake, you would bind your place item key to a random keyboard key. In this case he was changing his controls so that the place item key was “f”. This allows the user to hold the key and rapidly throw and withdraw a fishing rod to quickly shake the mob using the skill. While many other players do this just fine hi_sseug has been getting kicked for anticheat for some reason.
I am unable to reproduce this. Please provide a video showing exactly what's happening on your end @hi_sseulgi_LUVIE You are being kicked for detection of "Bad Packets" which almost always is the result of a hack client. Are you using the original Minecraft client? If not, this is where you are having issues. However if you are using the original client, please provide a video so we can examine what exactly is going on.
Please provide some co-ordinates to where I can reproduce this exact same issue. As well, what client are you using? It would be best if you had a video of your entire screen.
When you use this method you always get kicked for anti-cheat because of how quickly it spams the rod. If you only do it in bursts you wont get kicked. I can recreate this for you whenever I play from home if needed andrew
I have reproduced the issue, and yes, you are basically using your rod far too fast and our Anti-Cheat kicks you for this. There is not much I can do for you, however I have reported it to our anti-cheat developer. If you are unhappy with your 1000 McMMO level's being added to fishing however, I will gladly apply those credits for you to another skill. Let me know @hi_sseulgi_LUVIE
Please PM me if you'd like to exchange the levels. We should also have a temporary fix coming soon . Will keep you informed.