In Game Name: KindaGokuShort title: Kicked by Anti-Cheat for Speed/MovementMinecraft Version: 1.21.4Client and Modifications: NoneWhich server were you on: MainWhich world were you in: RisingWhat time did the issues and/or kick take place: 5:29PM (PST)Code Received: SpeedType1 Received: CType2 Received: AirPing on kick: 78msDescription of the issue: Doing my daily winterfest parkour when kicked in the middle of it.Reproduction instructions: Do any kind of running and jumping with speedHow many times did you recreate this: 2 times so far, just logged in and started using 1.21.4 version no more than 5 minute priorVideo evidence:
Going to also add this as well, as it seems to fall under same category as issue above In Game Name: KindaGoku Short title: Kicked by Anti-Cheat for Speed/Movement Minecraft Version: 1.21.4 Client and Modifications: None Which server were you on: Main Which world were you in: Rising What time did the issues and/or kick take place: 5:45PM (PST) Code Received: Improbable Type1 Received: B Type2 Received: Movement Ping on kick: 0ms Description of the issue: Running around winterfest area to explore/getting from one event to the next. Reproduction instructions: Run around winterfest area for 3-5 seconds nonstop, or disable '/fly' and run around anywhere for 3-5 seconds as well How many times did you recreate this: Everytime I tried, about 15 times now with same/similar kick codes. Video evidence:
Posted a similar bug report recently as well, it seems that I may be stuck with /speed 5 in WinterFest, and if I switch it in the main server/spawn/mining it doesn't fix it for WinterFest
Appears to all be good on my end now, ran around and did both parkour courses with no anti-cheat kicks. Thank you!
I've made some changes here to both allow the speed at winterfestival spawn as well as prevent this sort of kicking. Same as the parkour area. Let us know if all is well for you now @KindaGoku