Hi all, I was standing at my cobblestone generator in Skyblock, mining away, when all of a sudden, I was disconnected by Anti-Cheat for code 101. Not a big deal, or so I THOUGHT. But, when I logged back on, I ended up in the void, dead, with all my items gone. Not sure how this happened, but it would be great if I could get an explanation, and even possibly get my items back? Thanks, KrazyMeerkat123
@KrazyMeerkat123 thanks for your report. I have compiled a ticket with our anti-cheat developer to look into this. You may view this ticket here: https://github.com/konsolas/AAC-Issues/issues/1400
@KrazyMeerkat123 it looks like a mob may have hit you while you were AFK and knocked you into the void.
We currently have a work around that will prevent this from happening. In the meantime, the developer is actively looking for a fix to this issue.