Hello Players Of ECC!! This will be a long thread xD. Hello guys, this may be shocking to some of you. Well, I am 'dante123113'. Here is the story. I got a new account, I used to use my older brother's. Alright, here is some things you may need to know: Me: Named Max, 13Older Brother, who owned dante123113: Named Dante, 15 Alright, well. I used to play on dante's account 'dante123113'. I got a new account 'MaxToMinimum'. I will now play on 'MaxToMinimum'. Dante will play on 'dante123113'. We will NOT have use the two accounts for economical advantages. I just want everyone to know, I will tag many people in this thread and in the comments xD 888miner888 SparklyPotato2 Raccooy Logan173 drewbo173 Warrior_Bob_999 clou44 revanrose6 KMaxwell Falconaire annyonion generaljoecool jakeyray18 HCPillarofFire