Hey guys! So.. I'm looking for a new signature that is animated, but everyone knows that Grant sucks with animation, so I need your guys' help! The Prize is 20k! Here is what I'm looking for! Put Jim The Fish(raw fish) in it (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) My character has to be in it(my skin is a wrestler in case you want to do something like that. I'd give you an extra 1k for that ) It doesn't HAVE TO have my name in it (optional)Make the animation wrestling and make me pin my opponent and do a cool 1! 2! 3! text kind of thing! Make sure it has my personality in it! Try to make all characters animated and 3D(not the 3d pop out thingy) (optional)Add special effects Make it COOL! Just put the animated signature in a reply OR mail it to me(recommended). I think that's all I want in it. If you have questions just tag me in a reply and ask your question. Thanks! I hope to see some really cool animated signatures! My skin in png format! Jim the fish in png format I know he's big, but you can resize him to the correct size, right?