Minecraft Username: GoProDojo Brief Description: I have been kicked 5 times for “speed” in the last week. whenever I fly and change elevation fast in the air it damages me like 3 hearts. whenever I fly it often makes me stop in mid air and makes me pause whenever I am in the air and have double jumped to fly if I hit double jump in the air it glitches and brings me to the floor Instructions: 1. Set fly speed to 10 2. Fly around randomly going up and down or straight
Double jump to fly, start going up while you are elevating randomly hit space twice and it’ll slam you in the floor
I experienced this too, for the first time ever. Also been getting hit with massive damage during flying
I have also been affected by the /fly issue have died once now and taking random damage from flying around.
I was in the air flying about 150 blocks over water and died instantly when I double clicked the space bar to disable fly. Lost 5000 xp.
Experiencing same issues as above. Slam into the floor and take fall damage (which shouldn't happen at all with fly enabled) if double tap to release while moving during fly.
@GoProDojo @Jacob43365 @OniFox_ @teofilovic @bsqt @Baccuus @ElChapoJrr Yes this was very annoying, I too was experiencing this. And it is in fact still happening. I will report this to the Anti-Cheat developer and see what's up.
@GoProDojo @Jacob43365 @OniFox_ @teofilovic @bsqt @Baccuus @ElChapoJrr Our official fix is now in place and our temporary work around has been removed.
@GoProDojo @Jacob43365 @OniFox_ @teofilovic @bsqt @Baccuus @ElChapoJrr Please ensure things are still working as they should be. Hopefully all is fixed up. If not, please let us know again in this thread.
So far I've been able to fly around with my elytra or just in fly mode without any issues , tested with star rocket and elytra and didn't have any rubber banding or slamming into the ground.