Minecraft Name: krimsonphoenix Suggestion: garbage cans Reason: Clutter can sometimes cause lag on a server. Provide an object where a player can discard unwanted items. Link To This Plugin: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1217578-125garbage-can-v-10/
This is a minecraft singleplayer mod. Not a plugin. Plugins are listed at dev.bukkit.org . Also, the mod is 1.2.5 so it wouldn't work anyway. We also have [disposal] signs that do just what you're looking for. Ask someone with ExtCreations to make you one.
Yes, you can clear out your inventory, but my inventory always has things in it that I want to keep. I could go looking for lava, but I have really, REALLY bad luck with lava. It was just an idea, but if its already in the game, then that's great.
I don't like lava incinerators. I prefer cactus. Throw your stuff at it and watch it disappear, and you won't die like lava, unless you stand on the cactus, which im pretty sure anyone wanting to stay alive wouldn't.