Ign: Matrix_rep Suggestin: Allow players to run player run lotteries. Reason: people know who to trust and not trust at this point, there is no reason to hold us back from this. I understand it may risk people buying from server run lottery, however that's false as many people want money quickly when they lotto. I suggest a rule stating player ran lottos will last one week. And if they scam they will be banned. This can be enforced by having the player stream this event, to make sure they don't allow their friend to win. There would be a tax at the players choice, which i would imagine to be 5%. And the player can make their own rules about how much is max/min bid. I know this may sound dumb to some, but I have been wanting this idea for a long time, as I think it would allow our community to trust each other more. And again if you don't trust the user running one, no need to participate. Thanks for reading -Matrix
+1 users can use random number generators to do this easily. They would HAVE to stream it or have a staff member make sure it is legal via skype screenshare or something
-1 - Possibility of scamming, high risk, easily favored to friends. Even random number generators can be modified to your favor. - Current lottery is there to help inflation, take money away from economy. The 15% tax takes out almost $1,000,000/48 hours. We don't want 50% of the server with more than $10,000,000 each. Whoever runs the lottery always wins, and the money stays in the economy. - More difficult to manage, could cause arguments when people don't win. Casino games work because you see what's going on, lottery is all behind the scenes. Overall I say no to this idea because of the reasons above, sorry.
I seriously doubt staff members would go to the level of having someone somehow live stream a drawing. Not to mention these drawings could be easily rigged as the livestream wouldn't catch everything going on in the said place where the drawing is being held.
I understand your point, however think about the people who play lotto. They want money quick so they will definitely keep playing the server lotto. This is trying to as an indirect way bring back the "weekend" lotto or now a week lotto, where players if they choose to can buy lotto tickets wait one week, then see if they win rather then knowing within max of 15 min.
So... 1. We have to create a list of "legal" websites for random number generators. 2. We have to require staff members to witness these things. 3. We have to give information/support on running a livestream. Seems like a lot of hassle to me.
It'll take away a fair portion of lottery players though. Yes some will still play, but anyone who plays lottery for "Quick money" obviously doesn't understand statistics. As Nicit said, lots of work for something that would just damage the economy.
1. The same sight andrew used only one sight, check 2. There is always a staff member online and i am sure one will not be hassled to watch a 5 minute stream, also this can be done during on peak time. Check 3. Not sure what you mean by this
Sure everyone can be forced to use the one site, not too hard to write in rules which one should be used. But the staff team are busy, off-peak it's quite often that not a single staff member is online plus they have better things to be doing (Actually moderating/working), watching a stream is likely not in their best interests. 3. Nicit means we'd have to provide information on how to setup a stream, how to run lotteries properly, etc. And it's all a lot of work when we already have a lottery that does a good-job of taking money away from the economy.
If a staff member is watching a livestream they cannot be watching chat. If we tell people that they can only do something one way, we must tell them how that one way works.