Denied [All Main Servers Suggestion] Raising wool prices

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Arhinman, Apr 25, 2020.

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  1. Arhinman

    Arhinman Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐

    Apr 3, 2020
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    All Main Servers
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Raising wool prices
    What are you suggesting:
    Raising wool prices to something like 1.75 - 2 $ each
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    (Before all, sorry for my English, i'm not a native)

    Actually there are various positives points, so I'll try to be as clear as possible.

    - Firstly, right now when a Builder ask for the best way to get money, answers are mostly fishing / mining, for the richest players, it is mob grinding if you have setup perms. For most builders, we can already forget about spawners perm, cause of the price, and the necessity to have a max sword, sold at 54k at /warp station3, a price quite significative for a beginner). Concerning mining, it can be profitable, but without a max pickaxe (sold at 12,5k at /warp station3), it will be harder, and there is the lava risk too. Last one, fishing, is profitable too, and we have a free rod in /kit starter, and the max rod costs only 6k. However, if you consider builders' position, you notice that when builders arrive, they want to play, explore, sometimes do some dirt cleaning jobs or whatever, but fishing is way to boring for a new player, who probably firstly wants a plot or explore the mining world - I'll come back to this idea later. Actually there is herbalism, with pumpkins (sold at 7,5k, which is nothing for most players, but not for most new builders), but still, it is fast annoying for a Builder who firstly think to have some adrenaline before tryharding at /warp pixel or /warp herb. Lastly, to earn more money, we need to rent star tools. This is a very interesting system, however it does not suit with beginners' situation, cause in most cases, they need Erep (quite logical actually, taking into account the moral hazard). At 9,5k per USD, it costs 807,5k right now (42,5 USD for each with current prices) which is out of mind for beginners, except for crazy ones like me who instant spent real money. But there is a way for begginer to maybe have some fun, earn some money, and which does not recquire star tools (because I heard no more star tools, so no star shears, it's perfect).
    Now we finally come to one point : wool. Wool can be easily farm, because we only need 24$ to craft shears at /warp station3 for instance (i'm not sponsored), and in my point of view, it is funnier for a Builder to do /wild land and find some sheeps than fishing once you spawn in main servs. Moreover, it encourages new builders to find Something like 10 sheeps stacked, put some fence around, shear them, sethome and then go mining a bit around (various income sources, various fun sources). At 2$ each, it prompts new players to find some sheeps in order to sell wool for not a cheap or expensive price, but for a correct one.

    - However you, who are reading this, are probably not a Builder, but a president, tycoon etc., and most builders play only for a short time, you, you don't want something that could impact you in a negative way. And actually, wool farming can be good for you too. After the point about another farm (I see some old players looking for new ways to earn money), different from the previous ones, you're not totally on an equal foot step with builders, cause farming wools destroy sheaves fastly, but most of you have erep / or at least can afford umbreaking 3 (500 xp only if I remember well). So it can be nice, and it stimulates the sheep spawner market (I'll deal with sheep spawner later), which could be a good new for some players who have monthly spawners key.

    It is not finished actually.

    - There is a last point in my opinion. Wool is directly linked to dye. If wool price at /sell hand raise, we may expect a lighter raise of dye price. And that can be good for 2 reasons. The first one, already explained, concerns beginners who can get more jobs (collecting flowers, cactus etc. jobs). The other reason is about herbalism. As said before, some people are looking for new way to earn money. If wool price raise, and dye too (maybe not with the /sell hand, but for a possible market reaction), beetroot, cocoa and actus farms will be more interesting (way less profitable than melons, but no star sword needed).

    - Got baited. Actually there is another point, that concerns gameplay with spawners, but I'll deal with that just after.
    Other information:
    To have an interesting exchange about it. I'll try to consider the possible negatives things about it (if you think to other points, do not hesitate to respond, it could be formative)

    - The first point that comes to my mind is about spawners. Builder just stacks some sheep, older players buy spawners. Firstly I thought that some people may abuse of sheeps, stack like 2000 sheeps with the spawners and sheare them in one right click. Maybe you already know, but it does not work. Actually, around 200 sheeps (between 190 and 210), shears with Umbreaking 3 are oneshoted. So actually 200 seems to be the max stack for a smart farm, cause there is no star shears, and I Don't think people will destroy their shears with UMB3 for 3-4 more sheeps. So here I come to the last point i just announced before, it is another gameplay for common spawners. You just don't have to beat all mobs to death, with sheeps, you try to keep them around 200, you kill them if there are too many sheeps, and you try to control the number of sheeps to don't be overwhelmed (separating them with colors for instance).

    - Aren't 2$ too much ? Well, currently I have around 600 sheeps of various colors around me, and in around 10 min I have a full inventory ( 35*64*2 = 4480 ECD per 10 min). It is less than polar bear spawners, but for something without star tool maybe you can think it is too much. Sold at 1,75$, it is 3920 ECD per 10 min, which is still good. But currently, we are at 0.30 ECD each, so in one hour, I make 4k ECD, which is really nothing, it is more profitable to get addicted to blackjake in this case. So if you want to make wool compete with other ways to earn money, 2$ is good. If you just want to give some respond to the shepherd's work, 1,5$ is correct.

    - Last point I'm currently thinking of is about the nature of wool : it is a constructive block. I saw older players complaning about a huge price for wool (it was about 4-5 each in the post), and Indeed a too expansive wool is not a good idea. But actually, even 4$ each is nothing compared to quartz block (decorative too) sold around 12,5$ each or something like this. So 1,5$-2$ still seems correct. Actually at 0.30$ each, there is no way a farm wool for myself, better beat some polar bears during 10 min and then go to /warp everything to buy dozens of wool stacks.

    For now that's it, there are not other counter-argument that comes to my mind. From my point of view, and with this information took into account, wool price should be raised.

    If you have read until this, you have some courage and I thank you for your time. I hope my suggestion will be considered, if you have some things to add do not hesitate. Thanks mods / admins for your commitment.
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  2. Settra23

    Settra23 Builder
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    Apr 6, 2020
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    Being quite recent on the server, I find that this suggestion can be a new source to earn money in a different way than the others. In addition, it can give a good opportunity for new players to have money and therefore launch a new economy on the server for both wool and dyes.

    Vouch +1
  3. Jdawger

    Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I see your good intentions here, but honestly, wool is one of those blocks that is worth more than their /sell value. IMO, we need more wool in the player economy and less being sold via /sell. Basically, the more wool we have circulating, the cheaper it is in the player market. Currently, it has been going down to a reasonable price, but it recently has been about $10 a block, which IMO is way too much for it (it used to be $3 a block on average before the color/block server shops switched to nstars). If more players are using /sell on wool, then that means less supply and more demand, which raises prices in the player market. An extra 0.25 won’t probably be that detrimental to the progresses of the wool market sustaining, but I digress.
  4. Arhinman

    Arhinman Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Hey, thanks for you answer. I sent you a pm, but I forgot something important in, so I'll post it here.
    Actually /sell hand works as a minimum value. If as you said, more people use /sell hand, price on market will rise. That's indeed the case. However, as soon as market price raise, wool farmers stop selling at /sell hand and prefers the market. In other words, /sell hand will only permits wool farmer to have a minimum and decent value for their wool. Setting a /sell hand at 2$ (Or 1,75$ is maybe better) will not raise the wool market price and 10$ each. With this, we can only expect a prize between 3 and 4 in the market. And as I said, if the market price is too high, people stop selling at /sell hand, but sell on market and the price lower.
    That's why I don't think /sell hand will lead to high market prices due to less supply.
  5. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    We will not be raising the server price of wool.
    There is a player market for this. In fact wool may just drop to $0 soon to stimulate as much player trade as possible for this resource due to a few upcomming changes.
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    #5 andrewkm, Apr 25, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
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