Accepted [All Main Servers Suggestion] More events for newer players.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by xboyfernz, Apr 11, 2020.

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  1. xboyfernz

    xboyfernz Builder
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    May 23, 2015
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    All Main Servers
    Short title for your suggestion:
    More events for newer players.
    What are you suggesting:
    Host more events which are more inclusive to newer players.
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    Constantly on ECC we see new players being ignored.

    Without having donated they are not freely allowed to move around the servers and are forced into server with basically nothing.

    They are not able to rent out tools to earn money.

    Some then go into the SG server and practically have no chance of winning SG at all and when there's kits which almost make it impossible to win.

    Time and time again when events are ran it is always the same rich people on ECC winning all the time. Yes they may have won fair and square, but when you have events that include having pyro+ in order to join an elytra event, god key events which involve spending $100, Sg events with kits, netherstar events with ungodly amounts of money needed to take part.

    Money just keep being sent to the ones on the top. More events need to be way more inclusive to ALL on the server not just donors. Not everyone can afford to donate and yes they can use ecodollars to purchase features, but now it is harder for them to earn money due to them being forced onto MainEast with hardly any good paying jobs or prospect to progress on the server.

    Many of these events require users to sign up on forums and many users find that hard to do. Easter egg hunts are almost impossible for new players without fly to win anything.

    I feel if anything we should be running events for the newer people to get to know the server and understand more about what it is about and feel welcome.

    Its even gotten to the point where people are buying builders features for free so they can be able to get onto main and enjoy the true benefits.

    Yes, maineast isn't nice, but this can be overcome with more events targeted at new users and give them the same opportunity to earn cash as anyone else. At the moment it's way too targeted at those who already have enough.
    Other information:
    All in all, just a bit more attention towards builders not massive reform, but a little change.
    Plugin or custom addition:

    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
  2. UnitedStates2

    UnitedStates2 Builder
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    Nov 30, 2014
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    What do you propose? I'm all-ears to a good events suggestion.

    There's a difference between pointing out how things are ostensibly "bad" and providing a solution to bad things. And given how often you go on and on about how the administration can't run events properly, surely you'd have a better way to run things that you could share with us.
    #2 UnitedStates2, Apr 11, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  3. Pab_Jr

    Pab_Jr Former Staff Member
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    This was a complete oversite and was meant to be an event for everybody, This was legit something noticed absolute last minute.
  4. SUBYT

    SUBYT Mayor
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    Feb 21, 2019
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    I get where you're coming from, for SG though, you can still beat someone with a kit, just because you are new to ECC doesn't mean you are new to/bad at PvP. With the elytra race, there isn't really anything that the SA team can do, they aren't going to change a whole feature because of 1 event, with events like minewars, the point is, that you're risking a reasonable amount of money for a big sum of money. If god keys were any lower than $100 USD it would destroy the economy lmao.

    If you start on MainEast/North from the very beginning, what's the difference between the main servers?

  5. killrdarknes

    killrdarknes The Final Act
    ECC Sponsor EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 9, 2012
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    this, and if this event is to return we’ll make it in such a way that only elytras will be needed which can be used by anyone and provided at the time of the event.

    You’ve got a point, but... it’s almost like investing in features will benefit you economically on an economy server :hmm:

    I do think there should be more new-player orientated events. All I can think of now is drop parties/snipechest events, which we certainly can do a bit more frequently.

    +1 though. We can do more trivia and more drop parties, things that anyone can have a fair shot at.
    #5 killrdarknes, Apr 11, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  6. xboyfernz

    xboyfernz Builder
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    May 23, 2015
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    Mining event - You have a massive ores in a quarry kind of area and give people 30mins or so and allow everyone to mine out as much as they can! Given equal things so you can only use a diamond picaxe! Full of diamond blocks and what not. You would then have stuff hidden in the quarry etc. Then chestshops at the top allowing people to sell what they have gathered etc.

    Increase the price of farming and mining for an hour or so allowing EVERYONE to earn a bit more money.

    Flash VMR event - More things like VMR where everyone has an equal chance! Maybe for an hour or day rather than a week.

    More events on Maineast and mainnorth not main as people have stuff here!

    I could go on, but I think you get my point things everyone can take part in!
    The fact that this was overlooked shows that there is such a lack of thought about new players.
    #6 xboyfernz, Apr 11, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  7. xboyfernz

    xboyfernz Builder
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    May 23, 2015
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    Your -1 makes no sense I'm not saying we should lower the price of god key promos, but I'm saying we should do more events for other types of players. I was just giving examples to how builders are never given any opportunities to earn a large amount of money quickly like others.
  8. _Sharpy

    _Sharpy Mayor
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    May 5, 2012
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    Events should definitely take place in MainEast or MainNorth so builders have a shot.
  9. xboyfernz

    xboyfernz Builder
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    May 23, 2015
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    Riddles, cake baking races, boat races, swimming, a herd the sheep or animals game and the person with the most in their pen wins or something. A lot can be thought of if you put your mind to it.
  10. OtterInAOnesie

    OtterInAOnesie Owner of Otter Farms
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    Apr 4, 2013
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    Before finding out that players without pyro+ could not use rockets, I do not know a single person who knew that rockets could only be used with pyro+ as rockets aren't really the main point for buying pyro+.

    A lot of the events I have seen on ecc have been accessible to now players, with giving some advantage for players who have been on ecc for a long time. And example of this is the current lotto event. Sure the players who have multi millions to drop on lotto are going to have a statistical advantage, there is a high chance that someone with only a few tickets will win.

    The Valentines day event, the St Patricks Day Event, Easter Egg Hunt, Etc. In all of these events sure the people who have access to fly and speed can get around a lot faster, everyone is able to participate and win.

    I'm not saying that extra events in the future that new players can join, but the statement that ...
    Is not a true statement at all, as all players can take part.
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  11. xboyfernz

    xboyfernz Builder
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    May 23, 2015
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    Easter egg hunt I'm sure people with fly had an unfair advantage compared to other players. This is all well and good, but how often do they come around compared to god key events, lotto events and random sg giftcard ones lol. Ridiculous. I wasn't here for the Valentines day event or the St Patrick event so I don't know exactly what happened in those events, but I'm guessing the winners of these events were the same old people as usual.

    I'm getting sick of seeing someone with 6 star tools already winning another one in-game it's lovely to give back to the donators that basically keep the game up and running and I'm not saying we should stop running these events I'm just saying it would be refreshing to see someone other than these same people win and there to be an equal playing field.

    About your point about the elytra race. It may have "supposed" to be for everyone, but the fact is that it wasn't for everyone was it? lol
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    #11 xboyfernz, Apr 11, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  12. LaggyTryHard

    LaggyTryHard ♛Exalted Builder♛
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    Jun 15, 2017
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    You described throughout your entire post how everything is stacked against a builder in an event, and then end off saying that all players can take part and is therefore fair.

    Imagine joining a competition knowing 100% that you have no shot because everyone around you will have unfair advantages.

    that’s how a builder will feel.

    So yes, maybe we haven’t ignored builders, maybe worse?
    We’re teasing them with a carrot in front of their face that they will never reach while watching everyone around them snagging it with ease.

    Every competition on the server aside from the build comp, will cater towards the richer player, this is undeniable.

    this suggestion is intended for an event that is truly fair for all, I have yet to see such an event on the server
  13. SUBYT

    SUBYT Mayor
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    Feb 21, 2019
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    Just to add to my reply, if you actually go onto other servers you'll find that ECC has more help to new players than almost any other server.
  14. strongpelt

    strongpelt ~*Alaskan Sponsor*~
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    Apr 1, 2016
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    the suggestion its'self, +1. However could we please come up with an actual solid idea instead of just crying that somethings broken?? I thought the events team was always open to well thought out suggestions. Come to them with a game and suggested prizes and how its suppose to be played and judged and then you'll probably actually get somewhere ;) Its easy to say somethings broken, harder to say how to fix it.

    @xboyfernz you gave some ideas id be interested in! But there a bit vague! If you could flesh them out and come up with exactly how they are suppose to be done and reward ideas I think you should send it into the events team for sure! Especially that mining one.

    That being said... I',m not entirely sure who all is on the events team... @UnitedStates2 Who should people send suggestions for events in to? Or would a suggestion thread be the best way to introduce each game/event suggestion?
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    #14 strongpelt, Apr 12, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2020
  15. UnitedStates2

    UnitedStates2 Builder
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    Nov 30, 2014
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    Can say from the outset that this won't happen for a myriad of reasons, least of all the fact that $4 melons for 30 minutes isn't exactly a uh "fun" event (and obviously something that can be gamed/will distort private markets).

    far as the other suggestions go:
    @ClarinetPhoenix is in charge of the management/implementation of most server events and most suggestions in that regard would be well-suited for her inbox. Of course, suggestion threads work too (after all, this discussion is still up), but a lot can be done via proposing good ideas directly to her - Players have even gotten server funding for their own private events!

    She plans on replying in detail later on this thread anyways and can perhaps answer more of your questions regarding the subject. And realistically I'm the worst person to ask - I generally know little to nothing about most server events when they're held!
    #15 UnitedStates2, Apr 12, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  16. _Sharpy

    _Sharpy Mayor
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    May 5, 2012
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    Maybe there could be more staff solely for events all under the command of Clar? Would mean more events could happen every week?
  17. OtterInAOnesie

    OtterInAOnesie Owner of Otter Farms
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    Apr 4, 2013
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    No offense, I don't think we need more staff members SOLELY for hosting events. While a lot of the events on ecc are hosted by staff members, from what it seems from united's post you do not need to be staff to host something. In fact something that comes to mine that I actually think could be really fun would be the games created by @IceFireXD such as his battleship and chess that he is currently looking to host (or was last time I saw his thread)

    I remember for Clar's Valentines day Event, all of the prizes were on ground level in the Spawn of Main. As someone with Fly at the time I had only won one of the prizes whereas I watched a builder with no features win three of them. I could Imagine this was the same for the St Pattys Day event and will be the same for the Egg Hunt we will be doing for easter.

    The Ruling that "New Players are not included in server events" is not a good argument. There is a difference between Players being disadvantaged and players not being able to participate at all. Every Event (Except the Elytra Race, which only was this way because it was not known that you need pyro+ for rockets) Every Single player can Participate. Sure for some people it is a lot easier for them to be apart, but there is nothing stating that only Sponsors can get God Keys, You can even buy $100 In features from someone with ECD and get the God Key yourself (I believe it can be set up.).

    I am not saying that there should not be events that do not handicap some players (trivia is the biggest past experience that I can think of). But going off of what @strongpelt said, we need good suggestions towards it and not just throwing "cake baking race" as a suggestion.
  18. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Thanks for the advice!
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