Link to plugin: ... 000.27303/ Great system now with the amount of users that go AFK in the server (especially myself for logging chat) - As well when the server hits near peak, kicking out any AFK users to make room for those who are attempting to join the server. -- I believe the AFK plugin is not up-to-date, however, I'm sure this could be fixed somehow if worked around with.
Only those who are AFK - I'm assuming it randomly selects a user who's AFK, then kicks the user to make room for a person who's trying to join. This allows enough space for "active" users to play and not allowing users to "abuse" their slot ingame by going AFK.
Or you make it a donater perk like logging in if the server is full, if you have donated then you won't get kicked but if you havn't donated and AFK for half an hour you should get kicked