This is a post to report all the farms in the aether over 15x15x1. I'm posting this as i would like the aether cleaned up and the is still to many farms to big, this also give bad impressions on players, and may make them think they can build big farms.I don't really know what im doing with this post, im tag wewinagain and i think he would handle this. WeWinAgain
X:91 Y:43 Z:148 A big melon farm well over the limit, the is also a few little farms connected to it which are on the limit of 15x15 or just over
X:-363 Y:119 Z:-1374 A pretty big sugar cane farm, the locked signs on the front suggests its tkick'ss
What is the problem with people building farms in the aether when they can just as easily make them in the main world!