Please salert people not to advertise on another server [Mod-Edit] advertised on the other server I play now.
Users cannot be punished on ECC for advertising us on another server, but we highly discourage it. Advertising on another server makes us look bad. If your point is to bring more users to the server, I would keep voting everyday. That helps us more than you think. We get bumped up on server lists which brings more users in return. I've edited out the name of the user in order to prevent them getting hate/trolled.
I know u cant punish but please try to contain it like I just started on that server then he went advertise crazy lol
We'll try our best to contain it, but it's pretty much out of our reach. To prevent this thread turning into a troll/flame thread, i'm locking it. If you have a suggestion regarding our rules, feel free to make a suggestion here.