Excavation could become an alternative way to make money, but it needs a boost in order to be worthwhile. I suggest adding diamonds as an Excavation drop (re-enabling them, actually). According to the wiki for McMMo: Drop: Diamond Block: Any* Level: 350 % chance: 0.13% *Exclude gravel and sand -- leave those two disabled. To give you an idea of how often you'll get diamond, 0.13% is approximately 1/769. On average, you would have to dig 769 blocks in order to get 1 diamond. Currently the server /sell price for diamonds is $25. The user-to-user market has really come down over the months and is not much above this, to give you some context. It is easy to get burnt out without a variety of ways to make money. I think this change would make ECC more enjoyable by making another way of making money more viable.
I would make it like 500 to get diamonds and this might encorage to get the mcmmo features. That's my small say : P!
I think that what is the point of having mcmmo if you are just going to turn everything off. Those players who have worked hard to get lv. 350 should be able to get diamonds. +1
Some us of have bought McMMO not knowing that excavation drops were going to be disabled just because people make too much money off of them.
As convenient as it would be to be able to dig up diamonds, there are just too many floating around already. Not to mention if this were to be implemented, the diamond market would plummet to a new low. So for me, I say keep the diamonds out of mcmmo drops.
or, add it to level 900+, so very few users could use it, this would also encourage people to buy mcmmo+ and mcmmobonusplus+ to increase there chances
diamonds can't get any lower than they are now anyway. being able to sell to server for $25 is all that's keeping them from being worth less than iron ingots. how about adding gunpowder to dirt drops or something. i mean 2 pieces of gunpowder per day from /kit mobs isn't going to go far when trying to make fireworks.
Hmm, maybe not dirt. As dirt is way to common. It might be a good addition to either soul sand, or clay though. Clay is a little more difficult to scavenge, even though once you have a stack and a silk touch shovel your pretty much set. Soul sand would be good, because there is absolutely no reason to harvest it other than for netherwart or random builds. That would also get more people into the nether, which would be a good thing.
I wouldn't mind if gun powder came from drops. Seriously, I can't make fire works anymore! The only reason I appealed a ban request was because of the fire works. But now that they're gone it's like...so depressing!
Eventually the diamond market will go up again (recent expansion = tons and tons of new diamonds in all that new land). Diamonds don't last forever (don't trust the ads XD) and they aren't being generated. Hundreds of people are wearing through diamond tools everyday. Although this won't help the diamond market, i think a little further down the road (when diamonds are more rare) adding this to an extremely high mcmmo level (750+ in my opinion) would let those people that dug tons of stuff, get a little reward back.
Well, you have a point, but there's also lots of miners that mine in the main world, and that doesn't help. But eventually the main world will run out, and then we will only have the mining world, which will hold diamonds in check.