Well the achievement title "Press RETURN to open your inventory" is stuck on my screen :/ Yes, I've tried opening my inventory. I have also restarted my client and just restarted. Went back to 1.6.4 and then back to 1.7.2, nothing. I consulted Google and nothing. If you know how to fix this or find a way too, much thanks will be coming your way. I mean much thanks :3 Thanks
Try resetting your achievements. Go to %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/stats. Then, delete everything in your stats folder. Good luck
Even the Enter key on the keypad (I doubt it will be different, but Minecraft is silly sometimes)? I just did some Googling. Some people are saying it's a serverside issue (because every server has its own achievements saved), and other people are saying you have to complete that first achievement in Singleplayer first, to "activate" achievements.
1. Go to %appdata% 2. Go to Roaming 3. Go to .minecraft 4. Open options.txt 5. Find "showInventoryAchievementHint:" and set the 'true' to 'false'.
This worked. Thank you so very very much. PM me in-game when you see me. Also, moof, I appreciate your help very much, thank you.