I have a complicated (sorta) question and I want this to be approved by staff before I do it. My brother sometimes gets on ECC to play with me (although rarely). I was hoping to be able to pay him $100k so he could get resident and mayor and place his town next to one of mine. Then me and him could use the town as part as my nation. I have no access to his account, and we have separate computers (although same router so same IP). Could some higher-up staff approve of this? Last thing I want is to be banned for alt accounting or abuse or something when we are 2 separate people (314 already "noted" that he was not an alt of mine.) I want to do this because then I would be able to ask my brother IRL to apply for town features, town admin stuff ect, instead of putting my trust in a random resident that could go inactive anytime or get banned and leave my nation with a dead town.
According to the rules/Andrew's guidelines you could do the Resident part even if it was you, as rankups aren't counted. Mayor is a different story, as far as I know. But I'd think it would be fine.
What your saying is he could get alts and rank them up to resident no questions asked? sorry that sounds confusing