So as of today my account was hacked and I have no way of regaining access to it... I've tried everything and literally can't get it.. so I decided it's easier to just make a whole new account... I had a few questions though. is there any way I would be able to keep resident on my new account? would I keep my get my money? most importantly I just want to know if I will keep resident as I worked hard to get it and was working hard to reach mayor. If staff or someone could let me know the policy... it would be much appreciated.. thanks ECC and Hope you can help -superpower3
I suggest you send a forum pm to a GameAdmin or ServerAdmin. They should be able to answer any questions you might have about a possible account transfer.
I believe you can switch accounts and keep your ranks/money, but you'd need to contact andrewkm via forum pm to arrange such (use the link to do just that).
thanks everyone for the help much appreciated I will be back to ECC even if I have to start fresh... hope to see you all soon -superpower3
I have also lost access to my account as of today, I believe this is a Mojang problem and not hackers as this would have been a very large coincidence. My only other idea would be if you are using a yahoo email address for your Minecraft account. With the recent hackings of yahoo accounts it is possible that they have interfered with Minecraft/Mojang accounts. I know that my e-mail has been compromised due to my inability to gain access to it or any other websites that I linked to that account. Hopefully it is just a Mojang issue and we will both regain our accounts soon, but if not then it is most likely the latter.
I doubt this, as I've never experienced any problems with my account (probably because I havent migrated?), except for forgetting my password once (luckily, i remembered it without having to change it).
Mojang has just stated that as of February 28th they are undergoing massive amounts of customer service requests. I suggest going to this link to change your e-mail that is linked with your Mojang account.
superpower3 this has happened to me and all you need to reset your password and reset security questions.
deegan987654321 are you saying that you lost it and then regained entry back into it? Or you are still trying to regain entry?