a18greek18's 5k bonus'

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by a18greek18, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. a18greek18

    a18greek18 Former EcoLeader
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 19, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Ok, all of you may or may not know that i decided to do 2 5k prizes in this bonus!
    Here is the application.. Please feel free to post replys below with the format!
    Also feel free to post your opinion on the trivias that I host in the general section post, made by me!

    Winners will be chosen sometime tonight or tomorrow, so get your applications in fast!

    The format:

    1. What is your IGN?:
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?:
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please):
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?:
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?:
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:
    7. What is my IGN?:
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?:

    If you would like an easier way to copy and paste it, here it is again:

    1. What is your IGN?:
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?:
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please):
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?:
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?:
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:
    7. What is my IGN?:
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?:
  2. Phil_The_Hippo

    Phil_The_Hippo Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: Phil_The_Hippo

    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: Resident

    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): Eastern about 9:00am-5:00pm

    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Indeed.

    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: Trivia because you have to think

    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:

    1: What is pi rounded to the nearest ten thousandth?
    2:How many times has mine craft updates since minecraft alpha?

    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18

    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: Hard question... waffles I guess
  3. officepwnz123

    officepwnz123 President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Aug 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: officepwnz123

    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: Mayor, [$$],

    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please):
    Im in central time, and I am usually on from 4:00 to 9:00
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?:

    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?:
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:
    What element is "K" on the periodic table?, and "How much is a quarter worth?"
    7. What is my IGN?:
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: Waffles!
  4. Dwite_

    Dwite_ /warp lakewood
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: dwite12

    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: Mayor

    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please):
    EST 3:30 pm to 8 pm
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: I love them ,and I won today! :D

    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: Trivia, It is more fun, but I like the bonus

    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: How many SuperModerators are there? and Name the block that is worth least on ECC:

    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18 <3

    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: Cookies and waffles are both great to me. It is too hard to name a favorite!
  5. Overlegne

    Overlegne Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Oct 27, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: Overlegne

    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: Resident

    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): GMT +1, 14:00-22:00

    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Deffinatly, even though i havn't won once.

    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: Trivias

    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:
    -Who is the Mayor of .... town?
    -What is the most expensive item which the server buys?

    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18

    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: WAFFLES, the blue ones in general.
  6. Schloty

    Schloty Professional Money Grinder
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Overlegne that is a disgusting thing to say please keep the forums appropriate so all users can enjoy there time.
  7. mrpublic

    mrpublic Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?:mrpublic

    2. What are you current in-game ranks?:
    president, [VIP]
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please):
    EST, 1 pm - 3 pm, 8 pm- 10 pm
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Yes I love all trivia :3

    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?:trivia :3

    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:
    What does DNA stand for. On average how long does someone spend eating food in their lifetime.
    7. What is my IGN?:a18greek18

    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?:I like waffles with cookies inside of them ;3
  8. Thecreator767

    Thecreator767 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 22, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?:Thecreator767
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?:Resident, $, Survivor
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please):Afternoon-Night (eastern time)
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?:Yes I love them!
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?:Trivias because they are a great way to learn random facts about ECC :)
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:What is the first element? (on the periodic table)
    If I had 2 sanwiches how many sandwiches would I have.....................

    7. What is my IGN?:A18greek18
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?:WAFFLES especially the round ones with choclate inside....
    #8 Thecreator767, Nov 3, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
  9. a18greek18

    a18greek18 Former EcoLeader
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 19, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Overlegne You have been disqualified from the contest for inappropriate language that could be offensive to some users, if possible could a staff member please remove that last sentence in Overlegne's application or just edit it all out

    Thanks, a18greek18
  10. Jrg5978

    Jrg5978 Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Aug 14, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: jrg5978
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?:Resident
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): 3:30-7:30 PST
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily? Yes:
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: Trivias
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: Q: Full IGN of server owner. A; andrewkm Q: Odds of getting struck by lightning. A: 1/1000000
    7. a18greek188.
    8.Do you prefer waffles or cookies? Both but Cookies more.
  11. Karrobelle

    Karrobelle Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: My in-game name is Karrobelle.

    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: My in-game rank is Resident, but I am working to become Mayor eventually.

    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): GMT+1 is my timezone, and I am usually online between 16:00 - 21:45 during weekdays, and almost the whole day during weekends.

    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Yes, they are always very fun and enjoyable, don't stop hosting them! Haven't won yet though :p

    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: Trivia's are always fun ;) They are a big hit.

    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: 1. How many residents in your (a18greek18's) town? 2. What is the cheapest and most expensive item that Ecocity Craft buys on the server?

    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18

    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: Umm, is this a trick question? :p I am gonna go with chocolate chip cookies I guess :)

    Thanks for reading meh app :D
  12. chargers2417

    chargers2417 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What is your IGN?: chargers2417
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: president
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): I am on from usually 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. thats just week days.
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: I do enjoy
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: bonus'!
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: What is the most popular flavor of ice cream in the world? and Why do people sneeze?
    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: waffles and cookies! together they make caffles! nomnomnom
  13. Pistache900

    Pistache900 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 1, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: thaissak

    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: [Builder] ;'( (Applying now for Resident though...)

    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): America/Rio de Janeiro (more or less) from 6PM to 11PM

    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Yeeeesss!!!

    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: Trivias are much more fun!

    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: Who had the worst death in the history of cinema? (Of course Marion Cottilard in the last Batman) / What's the percentage of Hyperboles in Minecraft (150%) [It keeps showing this when I log into Minecraft hahaha]

    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18

    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: Waffles. Covered with Dulce de leche, Nutella and strawberries!
  14. skatechick28

    skatechick28 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN: skatechick23
    2. What are your current in-game ranks? Builder
    3. What time are you usally online? 9 am- 5 pm central time.
    4. Do you like the trivia's i host daily? yes they are fun and make you think :D.
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonuses? both i like both same to hard to choose one. D:
    6. What are 2 questions that i should ask in trivia? 1. Q : What was Walt Disney afraid of? A : Mice.
    question 2 : who said this : " I am the President of the United States I am not going to eat anymore broccoli?"answer : George Washington.
    7. a18greek18
    8. cookies :)
  15. Bryceyy

    Bryceyy BryBruh
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 8, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: BRYCEY365
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: tycoon
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please):gmt+
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Yes
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'? yes
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:
    How long had ecc been running for?
    Whats notch's full irln

    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: waffles
  16. Pab_Jr

    Pab_Jr Former Staff Member
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 13, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: pbrassat17
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: president
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): EST, im on almost all the time.
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: yes
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: both :p
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: Who is my favorite football team :p, and when did i join ECC?
    7. What is my IGN?:a18greek18
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: waffles!
  17. Lee1104

    Lee1104 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    BRYCEY365 you didnt answer all the questions :p
  18. ilir

    ilir Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 4, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: ilir
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: [Mayor] and [$]
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): Usually 3-11 pm EST.
    4. Do you like the trivia's that I host daily?: Yep.
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: I think trivia's are more fun compared to people just posting because of mere money.
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: What is the best food (users suggest epic foods, maybe even post a pic! xD)
    Why is a18greek18 awesome!?
    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: It depends. It could be homemade in a those jaws of waffle things......or an oatmeal cookie. My top two would be homemade waffles covered in EVERYTHING or a plate of oatmeal cookies and milk :D
    #18 ilir, Nov 3, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
  19. Lee1104

    Lee1104 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: Lee1104
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: Resident $
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): PST 3PM-9PM on weekdays, 10AM-9PM on weekends
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Yes, even though I never win :p
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: any would be fine
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?:How much money do you have in your balance? and How long did it take for ECC to update from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2
    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: WAFFLES!
  20. 12345shane

    12345shane ρяєѕι∂єитιαℓ ρяαєтσя
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your IGN?: 12345shane
    2. What are you current in-game ranks?: President, Pilo
    3. What times are you usually online from? (Say your timezone and the times you are online between, Please): MST, usually from 9-10 am to like 2 pm and come on afte that for another hour or so.
    4. Do you like the trivias that I host daily?: Why wouldn't I?
    5. Would you prefer me to host trivias or bonus'?: It isn't my choice to make, you do what you want, whateve makes you happy.
    6. What are 2 questions that you think I should ask in trivia (Have to be appropriate and don't have to be related to minecraft?: How much wood could a woodccuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Who is the oldest active player other than andrewkm?
    7. What is my IGN?: a18greek18 , the trivia master.
    8. Do you prefer waffles or cookies?: One time I made waffle cookies. They were really really good.