Good evening EcoCityCraft, today marks the day we LOST a very good staff member in @7amoodw which leads to me the question, who will take his place?!? I have a few users lined up who potentially could take this position... @austinsplaneguy User is a long term member and has a good understanding of the rules, I think it is time our ADMINISTRATION gives him a shot. @Kick_Me_1235 Although Kick_me might have a rough history on the server the fact that he still plays to the current day shows he is a dedicated user and one who the staff team could bring the most out of, I say just like they did with @matrix_rep give him a shot. @ReformNation Sibling of our latest promotion @matrix_rep, economic has proven time and again that they are the smarter REPPUCCI and that they have many positives to bring to the staff team. @Reformed_ User was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time what can I say, I don't think what he did justified a PUBLIC demotion like when I abused my power MULTIPLE times leading to MY demotion from the staff team, I think just like his PARTNER IN CRIME @physyy he should also be given a second chance, he cared more for this server than 99% of the people who hated on him yet he still logged on everyday and dedicated his personal time to our community. @_Sharpy Sharpy is a good member of our community who seems to be well liked by everyone, I'd say if the staff team were convinced that he would be a LEAKELMO then he should be promoted. User also has the NAUGHTIEST hair cut on ECC. @JustCallMeBlaze User may be in 9m debt to @matrix_rep but this doesn't mean he would be a bad staff member if the other options are desolate. @shadowballxx1 The staff team has just lost one of the Kuwait bro's and therefore I must pose the question, why not promote the other? He has experience and isn't afraid to present his forum posts in as many colours as possible. Okay those are my picks I hope u all agree that these are GOD TIER picks compared to people who swim around in sg 1 25 hours a day. THANK U FOR READING MY POST.
I have never been given such a difficult decision in my life. You have compiled a masterpiece, @xX3PICREBELXx. Jolly good show sir, jolly good show.