Minecraft Name: Tdogg120 Suggestion: There be a few more questions to the staff applications. (read below) Reason: It seems that very many applicants do not want to be a moderator that badly, and just see it as a rank, and do not add very much effort. Other Information: Add a few more questions, or even a whole section on what being a moderator means to you. Some questions could include: "Why did you decide you wanted to be a moderator?" "How would being a moderator effect you as a player?" "Name a few reasons how being a moderator could/would change you for the better or for the worse:" Questions like that i think should be added, because staff applications aren't taken very seriously anymore by some users, and i think if you want to be a staff member, you also have to show it a bit more in your app. Link to this plugin: N/A, the Xenforo Forum if anything.
Well if they see it as a rank and don't work hard, they won't get it. (Should be obvious. Spend time + hard work = "profit" or the ability to staff the server. Spend no time + little work = "no profit" You won't get the ability to staff if you spent 5 minutes on your phone.) Leave it as it is, plenty of people spend hours on their applications as compared to people who spend 5 minutes on their phone on their application, who do you think will get it? I'm sure we all know who would. Although another section would add more complication and make you work a bit longer, it's not necessarily NEEDED, Andrewkm likely gets all the information he already needs from the current format. There were also already a couple questions similar to what you put in your post. I don't think it's nesscary myself but that's my opinion.
I see where you are coming from. I dont think its necessary either, it just would seem like a nice addition to show a little more personality and what becoming a mod would really mean to certain people.