Hello everyone! In case you didn't read the title (you nubs) this is my 700th post! Honestly i know its not as good as having 1000 posts but idrc because this is a big milestone for me! I am going to tag some people that I feel have helped me throughout my ECC life: Spoiler: First and Most Memorable User @lexi731rocs = She is an amazing user and a very helpful friend. She is a well know player on ECC and loves to help other users and owns the horse towns of the century, HorseIsle. I don't see why she isn't more well known by users. Hope to see you in the future Lexi! Spoiler: Second Most Memorable User @Iticip = He is another amazing user and he is so willing to help me and others and him and @xpurexcorex were so generous to accept me into America! Thanks to both of you! Spoiler: Third Most Important Person @SoftlyPsychotic. Ou were one of my best friends back before you were banned. No you're unbannedb ajdnhave grown even more than I ever have. I hope you continue to play and grow even more! Spoiler: Fourth Most Important People @BaccaAMP, @CaCaMoRSeLz, @romper83273, @pinkmocha, and everyone else I've met on TeamSpeak. You all are amazing people and fun to talk to Thank you all for being apart of my Ecc Life!
Congratulations, @Yokeby52 ! I hope you continue being active on the forums as you were the past one hand a half year or so.
;-; sorry i went in the order of people i thought of and the other people were the first i thought of... I thought of all the TeamSpeak people at once... Sorry Bacca ;-;