ECC just recently hit the milestone of 500,000 total posts on the forums! This means an average of 21.08 posts per person who has ever registered! It also means the top 20 Notable Members ( have posted around 18.5% of the total posts. (92,446/500,798) An average of about 5 posts per discussion. On average 4 discussions have been started per person. The most discussions in a section: Ban Appeals / Complaints (16,411/99,120) And coming second: Applications (Builders+) -Resident/Nether/Aether- (11,199/99,120) Almost up to 100,000 discussions! FuryFudge Note: This was when I made/edited the thread, so it will be outdated within a couple of minutes. Also, my sources are and
When I refresh my page at, it says a total of 99,083 discussions have been made. (at the moment, that is)
With my math, I got around 0.6% for myself. WE're around the same amount of posts, how did you calculate yours?