Hi, i'm selling this house attached with a workshop/farm house on a 42x20 plot in Bobville. A nice upcoming town. It does not have a portal at this time. Offers cooking pot, and a Public Farm. Has a few really active players in the town. The first house is fully finished inside with 3 floors and a basement. Missing some bookshelves and you can always change the layout. The Workshop is not finished inside but offers a great storage space connected to the first house. Will hold 8 Double chest and still look good ^^. Basement is empty for whatever. You could make a 42x20 vine farm if you wanted. Asking price: 25k O.B.O negotiable! Pm me in game if interested or leave a message on forums. If interested Mayor will add you to perms for town and give you the plot after payment is received. Thanks, Teln3t!