Today is my 3 year anniversary for joining the server (I took a while to make a forums account!) I don't believe I've ever made a thread like this, but wow, 3 years is an incredibly long time. This server has changed so much, it's got an entire new set of users now basically, a new spawn, new donations, survival games and even a new world! I'm pretty grateful for my time here as it helped to me to change from a pretty immature young lad to a somewhat mature... young lad. I decided to make this thread because the whole point of staying for 3 years is to make threads like this in order get attention and ratings. A lot of the people that helped me along the way are inactive, but, here is in no particular order is the cliche tagging of people. I apologise for those that don't get a tag. @annyonion - Such a great friend, I really wish you were active again ;-;. Starting off Nihon together with ori is one of my best memories of the server. I really value the time we spent together and thank you very much (wub). @CosmOrigist - similar to anny. You did such a great job with Nihon mate, amazing friend. @clou44 + @dgam02 - Amazing friends and you two are really funny together. @Alarah - We spent ages on this server + other games together, your friendship is something that I truly value. I honestly think that you helped me grow up. @pbrassat17 - While we didn't hang out for ages as I went inactive, while I was active I had a great time working on Bremen and other random stuff with you. @Grimm123 - monotone. @BackToThePast - My memory may fail me here, but I'm pretty sure we used to talk a lot, and I remember it being a good time. Even if I'm wrong, it's still great to talk to you. @7amoodw - pretty kewl