Hello there, my name is SamuraiOtter_, but a lot of you know me as BennyPOtter5679, on June 9th of this year, I officially have been here 2 years, and while I have not been entirely active over these past two years, this is my story of my time on ECC. I joined the server around April 4th 2013, while I was in the 4th grade. I was looking for a server to join while I was bored after school one day and started looking for servers to play, (as I still sometimes do today) and found this server. I lived in the wild for about a week, after about a week, I joined a town called AlexTown, my neighbor was I believe @caliki123, who was my first friend on the server, @iTzXtremeGaming , his brother, was also in the town, and we kind of became friends. I built a 6 story tall building in my 10x10 plot, and a 5 story tall farm on a 20x10 plot, I had a water elevator thing that I used to get to each level. I invited two of my friends to join the server baarjac and doctorspacklez, and tried to get them added to the town, baarjac, got added to the town, but got banned for apperently advertising, (He told me that apperently he did nothing and that the person who banned him was abusing him) and doctorspacklez did not get added to the town, (as the owners went inactive) left as he didnt like the server for some reason, my other friend brickarmsguy, apon asking him to join the server, told me not to, as he blew up some guys house and told me the server was not fun, I did not agree with him. About a 4 months into playing, after being addicted to the ecc lottery and not making a single cent back, I decited to join the town of SwagRidge, owned by @Joliver . There I met @DevotedToChrist , @Joliver , and @Rachel8484 , who lived in the town. As Dev and Rachel moved on out of the town, and "graduated", I had gone no where, and decited that I needed to stop playing lotto and raise enough money to get resident. I bought farm perms to solstice18's pumpkin and melon farm, which I would spend A lot of my time logged in at, and a plot in @OhMrsKittyKat 's town, I would be @OhMrsKittyKat 's mcmmo party training dummy, and kept asking them if I cound join their party, keep in mind I was still a builder, and they kept telling me that I couldn't join the party until I was resident, which gave me a reason to finely become resident. In order to receve the money to apply for resident, on June 27th 2013 I pulled an all nighter in solstices farm with an pumpkin axe that someone lent me, getting ereps from solstice, I finely made the 15k to become resident! I packed out of @OhMrsKittyKat and @Joliver 's towns and started living in a few towns, I Moved to Brookhaven, and Jokertown, two very nice towns, I left brookhaven because the owner was kinda mean to me, saying in a youtube video that my lonely plot, that if he put others plots there, was really ugly, thinking that I wouldnt find out. Jokertown had to be evicted because of a remodel. I moved to potatotown, owned by @SparklyPotato2 , I lived there for awhile, and was a bigger member of the town, until @SparklyPotato2 had to remodel the town. after this incident, I remained homeless for a week until I took my first break from the server. This break was about 4-5 months long, I took this break due to school and not getting enough sleep and because I got mad because I had lost everything. Here im going to talk about somethings that I had missed from the server. The first thing I missed was something called "Donations processed", you see newer players, "Donations processed" was something that happened back in the day, before buycraft and Netflex was popular, Donations had to be processed by hand. this process took about a week, and was done by andrew himself. whenever Andrew said in red letters, "Donations Processed!" everyone would do the usual saying hi to andrew, while people said in chat what they had bought from the store while others cheered, I had only had to wait for the processing once, as I have gotten my other features after this, and all via eco dollers. Something else from before I missed was the nicer players that no longer play, and the simpler times before mayor. When I came back, I logged in a town that I did not remember, in a weird house that I apperently owned, I sold everything that was in those chests that I couldnt really use, (I.e Stone tools, some coal, stone, a few fish, and other odds n' ends) and used that money to buy an apartment in a town that I do not remember, where I had a pretty nice setup. Now this is where I met all my current friends, I left that apartment when joined @Bashy 's town, meowcity, I make a house that is an open chest, and it actually looked pretty good, it served as my vault, anyway, I met @Black_Cod35 in that town, and @The_Walrus_8 @GMaxx @aedanmiller and others in that party, we would all sg together and split, which is how I made a good amount of money , I met @matrix_rep who gave me a bit of money and taught me how to lotto in exchange for him not having to pay back a loan I gave him xD, I met @MinecraftParkerH , I was the co-owner of his town for a few days, but left. after about a week of meeting all these people, I had hit the jackpot, my first lotto win, I had one ticketed about 200k from one lotto and made 100k from a few others, I was soo happy, I bought mayor and pres, I became a little cocky, which I kinda regreat. along with prot4, some tools, and borrowed a msword from matrix a few times, I had also bought perms to @sick24 's farm. I was happy and enjoying my time, About a week or so after this, I made a grave mistake, a while ago, I was server surfing, and I liked to copy and paste the ip insted of typing it in, and when I was on ecc, while cleaning off my keyboard, I accidently pasted a random server ip and a bunch of random keys, all while not realising what I had done, I see a bunch of commotion in chat about how I had pasted a server ip in chat, I got banned on the spot. Me, a sad Benny, crying as loud as I could, went onto forums to ask someone why I got banned, someone sent me a forum pm of what I did, and instantly posted my unban, I had a countdown clock for when I could join back on, thats something I remember xD. I came back, and everyone was treating me differently, everyone acknologed me being there. The three months after that were mostly me winning a few lottos, playing with my friends, me trying to teamspeak and trying to get my mic to work and accidently applying for two keys, getting asked by staff why I needed two in a day, and so on, until the day that I had left for the 2nd time. They had removed smelt chests, and with a few other players, I had left, I had to focus on my school work, and found another server I liked to play on to fill the whole that was ecc. That brings us to a week ago, I knew that school was about to finnish up, and was wondering what was happening on ecc, I kept saying when school was over, and I made to then, when I came back, I had a bunch of people welcoming me back, I started staying up until 3am to play Minecraft (currently 2:26am) I won a few lottos with 1 tix and bought bfr and ea, and made new friends. "Heres to two years on ECC, and that the next year will be better than the last" ~SamuraiOtter_ 2015
Hope you guys like this, I spent about 3 hours trying to remember what had happened over the last year and watching random youtube videos xD