Well guys, I know I am nowhere near as active as I used to be (probably stop in every once in a while) but it has officially been 2 years on ecc. Wowz. Now I made a very long post for my 1 year, but I feel as though I'd be reiterating everything I said then now because I haven't done much since then. Everyone knows who they are and where their place is in my heart. You guys are truly the best MC community I have come to meet and I have always been impressed. The only people I want to single out are my fellow former staff members: You guys were great and I really do miss all the times we had together (twinkie house tours at 3 am were the best, not gonna lie). Also, I do remember the day phys and I spent hours upon end making a builder rest stop type thing. Next time we log on, it's completely griefed. Oh the memories ;(. I love all of you and I thank you all for helping me achieve 2 glorious years on such a great server