If you read the spoiler in my previous thread, you would know that I will not be a Mayor for much longer. And with that, I would like to announce a contest in order to select the next leader of the "MAYORS WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! (maybe)" movement. This contest will run from the moment this thread is posted up to the moment when I reach an in-game balance of $680,000. To sign up for the contest and fill out the application, you must either have the Mayor rank, or have an application to become a Mayor. You may NOT have a pending President Application, unless you cancel it. The application for the contest is as follows: What is your username? Are you a Mayor? If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? What would you bring to our organization? Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? What is your favorite color? For example, this would be my application: Spoiler: My "Application" What is your username? SuburbSomeone Are you a Mayor? Yes. If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? No. If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? What would you bring to our organization? I kind of brought it into existence... Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I've led it until now. What is your favorite color? Green. I have also made a poll for this thread. As each applicant posts their application, I will add them to the poll. I will factor that into my judgement when deciding on who will become the next leader of this organization. Even though I may be moving on from being green, I will never forget the two+ years in which I was green, and I will never turn my back against this movement for as long as it stays stable and good. I wish you all good luck in becoming the next leader of this great movement. I know that with a strong leader, Mayors truly can take over the world. Maybe. Contest ends within the next 6-12 hours! Get those applications in if you haven't made one already! This includes you @xXBillClintonXx.
What is your username? xXxBillClintonxXx Are you a Mayor? ya If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? no If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? no What would you bring to our organization? skilz Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? bc i rlly wnt to join What is your favorite color? ornge
Denied. You are a President. If you wish to lead our organization, then create an alternate account called "xXBillClintonXx", make it a Mayor, and apply once you have a Mayor application up on that account.
What is your username? EMD3000 Are you a Mayor? Yea If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? Never! If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? Neither What would you bring to our organization? Funding, And over all inteligence Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I'm a good leader What is your favorite color? Blue, Light Blue
I'm sorry, I messed up the poll. Is there any way that the "Placeholder" answers can be removed? I won't really need to remove the first placeholder, but the second one is not completely necessary.
Are you a Mayor?: Yes If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application?:No If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application?:No What would you bring to our organization?:Intelligence, and Leadership. Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization?:I'm a strong leader and could help it grow. What is your favorite color?: Surprisingly, Green.
Are you a Mayor? YES If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? NO If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? What would you bring to our organization? Leadership and new IdEaS. Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I love being a mayor and I love helping little builders get started and I feel it is my destiny to arise and take control of the world will being a mayor What is your favorite color? GREEN, and a light shade of blue clues!
Are you a Mayor? Yep If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? Nope If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? Nope What would you bring to our organization? I can build well and I'm a good leader. Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? because this would be a new experience that I really what to try out. I think I could bring a lot to this organization and maybe we could actually take over the world... What is your favorite color? Lime Green
What is your username? AlkanGains Are you a Mayor? Yessir If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? Nope If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? Nope What would you bring to our organization? Leadership and I could be that one guy that once hosted an event and became popular. Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I run groups well and I plan on keeping everything organised - I never plan on moving up ranks (President, Tycoon ect) What is your favorite color? Orange, but I feel like I need to say Green, so Green. Thanks
What is your username? RaginDevonian Are you a Mayor? heck yeah If you are a Mayor, do you have a pending President Application? no If you are a Resident, do you have a pending Mayor Application? What would you bring to our organization? Just found it Why do you feel that you should be picked to lead our organization? I am the strongest mayor in existence What is your favorite color? GREEEEEN