Minecraft Name: austinsplaneguy Suggestion: You should be able to make you're whole town a safe area like spawn, you cannot die in lava, falling etc. Reason: You cannot die it would be great for building high structures, if you fall who cares
^ thats what i ment, like make it 40k or something, you could be able to set certain areas in your town as a safe zone kinda like how a town pvp arena works
This is a great idea! It's like the opposite of a PvP arena, so it should be the same price/sort of application that you do for a PvP arena. I would honestly consider buying this (if I could ever get enough money ) so +1
I think 40k would be cheap, around 60k+? you realize how many things would be easier? mining down! accidently falling from sky level! many more!
I like the idea... but, maybe only for developed towns that are showing a serious interest in building (especially from high heights) and do not have PVP enabled? o.o
I disagree. What's the fun in not being able to die in lava? Competitions on who can fall the most without dying would be destroyed within towns, where it is the best place to hold it, and roof-jumping wouldn't be as fun because there's no risks. Also, certain members may not agree with this and might find the whole concept, like myself, fun-ruining and may choose to move out of town. Though the idea is intelligent, I don't believe it would be appreciated within the wider community. Furthermore, what if you had fallen in lava, and were to die, but you managed to type "/home" before death, where the set home was in a protected town? Would you still die? Though indeed, no traps could possibly be set, and falling down a mine shaft would be no major deal. Yet note that this is supposed to be a hardcore economy game, and mining would be turned to a peaceful and common sport with this, with no risk whatsoever.
It's a per region thing, it's not suggested that every single town gets invincibility. And the /home thing is exactly the same as typing /spawn (spawn has invincibility)
This suggestion is about getting a small region to be safe, like a Pvp zone in a town. Where did mining world get into this conversation?