Well i have been on Ecocitycraft for a year now and it has been the most enjoyable time ever. Over the the months i have made and lost friends on here, but i'm still going to thank them for being there! boto_thing I don't know if you'll ever read this again but you were my first friend on here, you helped me learn the ways of ECC and how i help developed since then! SkeetHero123 Another great guy who showed me ECC, gave me a place to stay and he was a great mayor! voiD_yO I've always looked up to you and you have always been there to talk to and get a loan from which has been a great experience for me! sick24 Another player who i looked up to as a nooby mayor, who helped me progress through ECC i thank you for it! xLegend_Killer I know we fell out, but the time we spent together on ecc was very fun and it was a great time! Zeek87 You're just a noob, but i have so much fun in the Skype calls and in-game putting you in afk boxes youiyoui1 nub. rollsicy I'm glad we made it in to the team together it's fun working with you! Also a special thanks to the staff team as they have guided me even further on ECC with my new role in the community, which i thank you for! <3 *also 500 posts*
Congratulations on your 1 year and 500 posts! That's an awesome milestone you should be proud of . It's been a pleasure getting to know and hang out with you on the Staff team. I also just realized that you've been on longer than me o.o
Omg... ewwww! EWWWWWWWWW! I just saw your new profile picture. omg change please. What a horrid to start on your journey to two years of ECC.